Parent Playground Expert
How many hours do you spend researching events and local attractions for your family to enjoy?
What if you could could continue to do that but now enjoy the perks of getting paid to share your findings with other parents who need this information?
By using the Parent Playground platform to connect with other parents and businesses, your potential will continue to grow exponentially.
Join a network of parents just like you!

Are You A Parent Expert?
It doesn't matter if this is your first kid or your fifth, we’re all masters in our own right. There are million and one ways to navigate parenting and we figured, HEY, why not get paid to do what I am already doing for FREE?!
We spend so much time looking for events and spending money on our family adventures, its time to finally get rewarded for just being a freaking awesome parent.
Are you ready? Sign-Up to be a Parent Playground Expert!

How Does Being a Parent Playground Expert Work?
Step One: Sign-Up by completing the application.
Step Two: Pay your first monthly licensing fee of $64.97
Step Three: Gain access to all of your free marketing materials to distribute to your community
Step Four: Start making connections with local businesses to get them listed in the Parent Playground directory and explore their advertising options!
Step Five: Sign-Up for our monthly marketing meetings to keep you on track and get you over any humps!
It's really that easy!

Work/Life Integration
Connect with local businesses and bring your kid along with you. By letting the the business know the benefits of their Parent Playground directory listing and letting your child experience the location while you "work".
70% Commission
Your hard work is valued and appreciated so you do most of the work you get to keep majority of your earnings! That only makes sense, right?
No hidden fees!
No loop holes!
Network With Other Parents
You're not in this alone! Have questions? Need a quick vent session? Or maybe you have a cool new idea that helped you close a deal? Share it with fellow Parent Playground Experts!
Create Your Own Content
You have full control over the content you post in your cities portal to showcase other aspects of your parenting life! You now have a secure platform to get your content out there without pesky agloritms or missed emails.
Monthly Residuals
Who doesn't love a good passive income?!
Each month your work appreciates in monetary value and you can enjoy not having to start from zero each month. What you do every month continues to count and you'll continue to be rewarded your previous work.
Monthly Marketing & Strategy Meetings
Every month Parent Playground will host marketing meetings that go over strategies to increase your visibility, techniques on how to close a deal, and useful tools you can implement to make your efforts easier.